Five steps required in preparing land for planting!

/SARAH SALHI/Learn About Planting and All Blogs

Well prepared land holds great significance in creating a forest, because it regulates weed growth and provides a fertile soil mass. The five steps required in preparing the land involve: Clearing and weeding the field, Pre-irrigation, First ploughing or tilling, Harrowing, and Levelling. Preparing the land is a crucial step to ensure that the saplings have sufficient access to nutrients and water. 

The Green Core volunteers always start with preparing the land before we plant a new forest. So first we start by clearing out the land by removing weeds and stones. Mowing the soil surface helps to create a level and even surface for planting trees. 

The next step, is ploughing. The first layer of soil that is ploughed and made ready is referred to as the primary tillage. This opens the soils up for aerating and boosts the growth of microorganisms that improve fertility of the soil. The next step is harrowing, also known as secondary ploughing. This involves breaking down the soil into smaller particles which creates a finer texture that is easier for tree roots to penetrate.

Then we continue with the final steps. Harrowing further smooths out the soil and ensures that there are no large clumps or ridges that could impede tree growth. Land leveling is a process of smoothing and grading the land to a uniform plane surface.

Finally, we use the planting machine to create the holes for proper root placement. Planting trees with a planting machine helps to ensure that the soil is not excessively disturbed. After we manually put the saplings into the holes, the planting machine pushes the soil and closes the holes.

We plant forests one tree at a time!

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